Organic Clarified Brown Rice Syrup

Our organic clarified rice syrup is translucent in color and has a honey-like consistency with a clean sweet flavor. Organic clarified rice syrup is made from the enzymatic process of organic rice using GMO-free organic enzymes that are concentrated and filtered to heavy syrup using 100 percent whole rice. We offer this syrup in different ranges ranging from 20 DE to 70 DE.

clarified rice syrup in a bowl

Clarified Rice Syrup 28 DE
Clarified Rice Syrup 42 DE
Clarified Rice Syrup 60 DE
Syrup Color
Dextrose Equivalent %
27 - 3338 - 4458 - 64
Brix79.5 - 8179.5 - 81
79.5 - 81
Other Carbohydrates (g/100g)
74 - 8262 - 7026 - 34
Water Activity %
74 - 8262 - 7026 - 34
Maltose (g/100g)
9 - 1713 - 2134 - 42


  • Bakery Products
  • Cereal & Energy Bars
  • Baby Foods
  • Ice-creams
  • Energy bars
  • meat & sea foods
  • Beverages
  • Dressings
  • Frozen Desserts
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Confectionary


  • Humectant
  • Binder/Stabilizer
  • Allergen free
  • Increases shelf life extension
  • Low Glycemic Index
  • GMO free
  • Thickener
  • Suitable for vegetarians
  • Controls sugar release
  • Increases shelf life
icon of clarified rice syrup
Yummy biscuits made from clarified rice syrup